Thursday, April 18, 2024

My Own Bed!

The rehab staff did all they could do make the residents feel at home.  I had beads for Mardi Gras and a bunny on my door for Easter.

Nevertheless, after two months in hospital beds, we opted to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms with twin beds at home because the path to the bathroom is shorter than our bedroom.  Two weeks later we have finally returned "home" to our own bed.   I can't describe the excitement (and relief).

I am definitely improving at home, but still have my bad days.  PT 3 days a week tends to wear me out, but is definitely helping.  Next Monday we are making a big batch of chili to "thank" the PT staff for all they did to help me get out of there!

Still no sewing, though, even though I have my travel machine available on the main floor of the house.  I did go to Devo on Tuesday for a couple of hours and help make kits for our November "sew day" by ironing which I could do while sitting in the wheelchair.  Even though it was great to get out of the house and see everyone, I was exhausted by the time I got home.

On another front, it appears the geese couple have returned to the nesting spot on our bluff overlooking the lake.  She had built a nest there in April 2020 ...

...but a late May freeze caused her to abandon the nest.

There was no further activity today, but we're hopeful.


  1. So glad you are improving. Sounds like a long hard path to follow, but with God's help you'll soon be back to normal! Praying for you.

  2. Awww Libby I'm so glad you are back in your own bed. And being able to join your group and iron for them was wonderful. I know how discouraged we can sometimes get when we tire so easily, but sounds like you are coping very well. I think you are pretty amazing. We will keep those prayers going for you!

  3. did I miss what happened to you or are you keeping it private - I do hope you will be well soon and getting around normally again.

  4. So glad you're home and doing better. I'm sure it was a lift to your spirits to be able to spend time with your Devo friends. Wishing you continued improvement - Hugs!

  5. It's great to read your post and to know that you're back home. Getting back to 'normal' gradually. Hugs to you.

  6. So glad you've been able to graduate back to your "home" bed. I do really get the part about being closer to the bathroom, after knee surgery I'm sleeping on the couch because it's much easier to access from that point than my bed. So glad to hear you are on the mend. Hopefully your strength will come back soon and you'll be back to stitching up a storm.


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