... But Not Forgotten
When I heard that the guild I used to belong to (and still visit from time to time) is looking for bed-size quilts to replenish its charity quilt inventory, I decided to release a few tops, letting the guild take care of getting them quilted. Some already had backs and/or binding prepared.
Spinning Rails - large lap |
For several years I taught Spinning Rails, a design by Carol Britt at Sew What Fabrics & Batiks Etcetera in Wytheville, VA. This was a sample top to show a different fabric style and colorway from my quilted version. It's still one of my favorite quilt patterns -- so easy with several variations. Since I've reduced my teaching schedule, I felt I could part with this top. It would be easy to whip up another sample if the need arises.
Not So Easy Street - short twin |
You will probably recognize this one as Bonnie Hunter's 2013 mystery, Easy Street. It was the first mystery I participated in, so I went by her colors. I just never fell in love with this one (polite translation, I despised it). Happy to get it out of my stack of tops TBQ (to be quilted).
Christmas Dash - twin |
This pattern is Churn Dash from the book
More Nickel Quilts. The fabrics had been cut for another Christmas quilt that I didn't care for after making one (of three), so I searched for something I could use the cut large squares in. (The first quilt from these fabrics went to the Washington, IL tornado recovery.) Churn Dash is one of my favorite blocks and I love the secondary pattern of ribbons running through the blocks when they are set together. Even though there are no obviously Christmas fabrics in this top, I didn't need another Christmasy quilt and knew this one would go to a good cause, eventually.
Toile Nines - twin |
These 9-patches used up some leftover strips. The gold toile fabric had been in my stash for a while, along with the coordinating gold solid. The pattern , Notable 9-Patch, was a free download from www.allpeoplequilt.com. However I simplified the pattern by making red/gold hourglass blocks to go between the 9-patches for a straight set instead of adding corners to the 9-patches and toile for a diagonal setting.
Candy Dish - full |
The pattern is Beach Party; I found it in
More Nickel Quilts when I was looking for something that would use up a collection of bright 2-1/2" strips and 5" charm squares. Seeing a full photo of it now I can really see how the pattern developed. (And I can see a twisted 4-patch!!!)
With the exception of Spinning Rails, all these quilt tops were finished in 2015. I know the guild will find a home for these quilts and I feel a few pounds lighter!