I don't expect to have a lot of available sewing time this month. Or, better said, if I get time to sew I'm neglecting what I SHOULD be doing. So I wasn't going to declare a One Monthly Goal (OMG).
Until I remembered I
do have one obligation this month -- my addition to the round robin block that was passed on to me in March. I've been derelict in reporting about these blocks, mainly because I wait till the last minute and forget to document my process along the way.
To bring you up to date, Music City Modern Quilters decided to try round robin quilts this year. Two groups of six quilters are participating. Each person started with either a block or row of their own making which was passed on to the next quilter on the list. Each month we add to what we got and then pass it on to the next person on the list at the next guild meeting.
This was my starting block:
Libby's starting point |
It's an antique block design called Rolling 9-Patch. I thought it had a modern vibe and offered some options in terms of colors and directions. Well, I was thrilled with the coral flying geese that Emily added in the second round (forgot to get a photo of it) and I'll look forward to seeing what happens next.
This is the first block I received:
Maria's starting point |
The maker threw me a curve right away because I had already anticipated putting whatever block I received on point! After thinking about it for most of the month, I was up against the deadline, whimped out and opted to just add a plain multicolored border to the 15" block to give the next person more color options (forgot to photograph, again).
Here's what came my way in March:
Katie's starting block |
Maria's additions |
I like the wonkiness of the star and the dancing square border, but I thought continuing with the wonkiness could get messy. I also felt the green needed to be brought out into the next border, along with the pointiness of the star. So here's my solution:
Round three - Libby's additions |
All this circuitous rambling to say that my One Monthly Goal (OMG) for April is to finish my additions to Katie's round robin block.
Joining the monthly link-up with Patty D at
Elm Street Quilts.