Remember that longarm that arrived just before Christmas?
I finished one practice baby quilt and started another small Christmas quilt when tension problems caused me to abandon that one.
Then life got in the way. First, Christmas and a New Year party, then a retreat, vertigo, a trip, more vertigo, church committee meetings, and fear. I vowed (to myself) that I would get a quilt on the frame and get back into a routine before the end of this month. I had taken the stitching out so decided to start again on that little Christmas quilt. I also changed the bobbin thread back to the original thread that came with the machine.
I got the back pinned onto the Take-up and Back leaders -- no problem. I got the batting smoothed out on the back. The top was loaded on the Top leader and I pulled it up onto the batting. It was time to baste the three layers together ... I couldn't remember how to turn the machine on! I'm not joking! I looked and felt everywhere I could think there would be a switch.
So, I was finally back in business! Cruising along until ...
I forgot to check if my batting was long enough for the top! Oh, well, another day.