This post will simply be a little show of the quilts other S'mores were working on and/or finishing this week at retreat. Please understand the lighting is not always the best and getting a good shot without clutter in the way is nigh impossible.
My tablemate, Sharon, has limited space at home so she uses her retreat time for borders and backs like I do. She got several UFOs off her list. First she finished assembling her Scrappy Sister's Choice, including a double border which I failed to photograph. She got the final border on her Easy Street, as well. And she worked so fast and well into the night that I missed a couple of finishes.
Sharon's Scrappy Sister's Choice |
Sharon's Easy Street |
Lisa is probably our most prolific quilter. She has a high speed machine and a mind that runs even faster. She made a couple of iron carriers and quilted a table runner before I could get my camera out of the bag! She spent a couple of days working with Kansas Troubles'
Loose Change. Such fun projects. And managed to lay out and assemble a sampler of blocks we exchanged last Christmas.
Lisa's Loose Change variation |
Lisa's CW Exchange Blocks |
Deanna had a couple of finishes, including the borders on her Women of Courage.
Deanna's Women of Courage. |
Rita spent her time working on a pictorial quilt to hang at Pennyrile State Park in Kentucky where their guild has annual retreats.
Rita's Pennyrile Quilt |
Frances made a modern log cabin in Amish colors. Then she dove into her first attempt at One Block Wonder. It has very subtle coloring, but will be so lovely when all the blocks are made.
France's One Block Wonder |
Shirley is very focused. She managed to finish two projects from scratch and put a border on a UFO.
Shirley's Asian Snowballs |
Shirley's Fractured Garden |
Sandy took time out of her busy week to show us her Overhand Knot from Peg Bingham's class the week before.
Sandy's Overhand Knot Runner |
Lucille came all the way from North Carolina to be with us. She spent her time working on Twisted Bargello, but didn't get far enough along for a photograph.
Donna finished her Christmas tree quilt that she started last year, then began working on a 30's project, the name of which escapes me.
Donna's Christmas Trees |
Kristen had to work a day at her EMT job, but still managed to finish a colorful rail fence variation. Diana was a late arrival and used her time to clean a couple of her newly-acquired Featherweights. Ever seen a pink free-arm?
Becky worked on receiving blankets for her first grand baby. Sorry, Beck, I didn't think to photograph the classy flannels you were using.
Nancy plugged along on Jared Takes a Wife. And Charley worked on Rock Island Campfires. It was her idea for the Rock Island Rockers to make these and she's the last to finish! Harrumph. Thought I took pictures of these but can't find any.
Ari, also plugged along on Jared Takes a Wife and by the end of retreat she had decided Jared just needed a live-in. Frustrated by how long it was taking, and unhappy with the setting, she held an early-morning coffee klatch. This is the solution we arrived at..
Ari's Jared (expletive deleted) |
Yes, we got a lot done. But the best part -- the most important part -- of retreat is the companionship and camaraderie, the release of laughter, and the refreshment of just "being."