... Yes, FIVE!
Although I did not re-up in guild this year for a variety of personal reasons, they thoughtfully included me in their Spring retreat. As I've said before, I save finishes, especially larger ones, for a retreat where there will be large tables to lay out and measure and pin long seams, etc. So, many of these projects were close to done before I arrived on Tuesday afternoon.
Since it was on top of the pile, I attacked Lavender and Lime Mary's Triangles first.
Lavender and Lime MT |
All it needed was a border to become a finished flimsy. It's a small lap or crib size.
3 yards out.
Next I arranged all the Butterscotch pieces and parts on a design wall. With a few replacements here and there, I came up with a layout I could live with. So I took the rows down, pinned and numbered, before the AC blew them down overnight. Assembling the rows became my leader/ender (L/E) project as I was working on other things.
Next up was Wink & a Smile, a class sample that needed a border.
Wink & a Smile |
Another quick finish.
4.25 yards out.
It was time to get out Classic 4-Patch. All the rows had been assembled and numbered at home; the two corners were complete. It was just an exercise in stitching the remaining long rows together and adding corner triangles. However the inner border fabric I had selected was not "playing well" with the rest of the quilt, so I was not able to finish it. I did get the "Women of Courage" border print cut for the borders on C4P, but I can't claim a finish on this one, yet.
Classic 4-Patch |
Happy Talk required a little more work. At home I had made some tactical mistakes in attaching the long sashing strips, and without any notes to work from, it took me a while to figure out where I was going. It did not help that I attached the longest row without offsetting the blocks to accommodate the on-point setting and had to reverse sew.
Happy Talk |
Happy Talk is a finished flimsy and has already been gifted to a friend who admired it (and who has a longarm to quilt it).
6 yards out.
Needless to say, I got a lot of Butterscotch rows together in between finagling with Classic 4-Patch and Happy Talk! It was time to finish assembly, add borders, and call it done.
Butterscotch |
This, too, has been gifted to another friend who admired it.
5.25 yards out.
With time left in the day I pulled out the two small Athena's Puzzles I had not finished at the snowy February retreat. I added setting triangles and borders to the blue one.
Athena Blue |
I didn't have enough of the proper fabrics to finish the orange one so it's back in the box. Athena Blue is a nice wheelchair size.
2.5 yards out.
A total of 21 yards in the "used" column. I'd say, all-in-all, it was a successful retreat!!
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Confessions of a Fabric Addict.