Tuesday, July 9, 2024

And Then This Happened

Sorry I've been absent for a while.  Just haven't had anything exciting to say.   My goal this month is to think positively and find positive things to post about.  But, first, I'll explain the reason for my absence.  As they say -- "If it weren't for bad luck ..."  

In mid-May I was feeling well enough to go to a Devo sew day.  Sitting on my borrowed old Rollator, 

I adjusted my sitting position and a front wheel broke off, throwing me backwards onto the concrete floor.  Thankfully no one would let me move until the pastor, who is also an EMT, checked me out.  It didn't seem that there was any direct injury, but I've had increasing difficulty walking ever since.  (Couldn't have any relation to my lack of exercise ... 😏)  Hopefully the recent series of CT scans and MRIs will help the medical community get me back onto the road to recovery.

The good news is I've been able to return to Devo twice, and even went to church on Sunday (it was Hawaiian shirt day).


  1. I'm so sorry you have had another injury happen, Libby - that is frustrating! Glad you have good medical people to help, and hope each day gets a little better. Are you sewing at Devo? - you need fabric therapy!

  2. oh wow - you have really been through it haven't you - I'm so sorry to hear of a second injury - I hope you can walk better soon - I know last year I was probably feeling the same way with one foot fracture after another - I am still not walking as well as I had before the first fracture but you take each day as it comes.

  3. I'm glad to see you are able to get out and have some fun. I hope it all goes smooth from here on.

  4. Glad to see you posting again. I was worried about you. Sorry to hear that you are having these issues. Hope that they can figure it all out. Love the Hawaiian shirts. ohsirius7athotmail.com aka Sara

  5. Oh, Libby, you've had such a time of it. Thank heavens (literally?) the pastor is an EMT and could tend to you right away! Hawaiian shirt day is a great idea!

  6. OMG, you've just had one thing after another. I hope your recovery goes smoothly from here on out. Love the Hawaiian shirts!

  7. Oh gosh Libby - that dad-gummed chair wheel! You sure deserve some good luck, hope this all heals quickly and that you feel back in the swing of things soon. That's a great photo of you and your hubby - you look beautiful!

  8. Oh it really does seem like you've had a year that mimics that old He Haw song. Hope everything is healing up and you are feeling better every day.

  9. Libby, I'm so sorry! I hope they're able to get things figured out for you soon, and you're feeling so much better! :)

  10. Glad to see that you are feeling up to getting out of the house now and again, Libby! I know how much you love to go and do, so I'm sure this has been quite a trial for you.


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