Monday, January 27, 2025

SAHRR Jackpot!

I posted earlier that I have been working my way through many VERY old unfinished projects.  Two that I have been wrangling in the last few days have LOTS of  half-square triangles (can't wait to share one of them with you soon).  

As I was falling asleep last night I was thinking about what Round 2 would entail, anticipating some round would probably incorporate HSTs.  So imagine my delight when I saw the week's prompt this morning.  Mine are already made! (pre-2018)

I hit the SAHRR Jackpot!


  1. That is a handy find! I've just been making HSTs this morning. Looking forward to seeing how you use yours!

  2. What fun to already have HSTs and now have a great use for them!

  3. Woohoo!! You found your HST's just in time! Don't you love it when a plan comes together!?!

  4. Yes! Parts departments come in handy, even if said parts are well-aged.

  5. Very lucky! Looking forward to seeing how you put those together.


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