Wednesday, January 8, 2025


 All is well here -- at least until the snow flies on Friday -- and I've been busy in the sewing room with minimal success.  I have not posted anything lately because my computer does not recognize the photos from my new i-16 phone.    Hoping to find a solution today.


  1. For my new phone, I have to email the photos to my email account. Then I can access them. It's the only way that I can make it work :(

  2. By magic photos go from my phone and iPad to my Google photos account.

  3. I don't have a the phone you do my I-Phone is much older but some time back I had to start to email myself the photos that I want to put on my blog and then put them in my photo program

  4. Getting photos from the I-phone can be a challenge. Every time they do an update, it changes it seems. Good luck!


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