Sunday, September 30, 2018

On second thought ...

A hill is a hill, is a hill ...

After much thought about changing the name of my blog, 
I came to the conclusion that I still live on a hill, albeit a lot shorter hill.  

View from water level.
It just goes down from the back of the house instead of going up from the street.  

On a totally different subject, I have noticed, like many others, that comments aren't coming to my email.  I fixed it once, right after Blogger changed their privacy policies, but I don't remember what setting I went to.  Can someone help me?  Diann had the answer!  If you are having similar issues, follow her link.


  1. Pretty view of your house! Maybe this will help with the comment problem.

  2. Thanks! I was having problems with that too!

  3. Beautiful setting. Thanks for the link to a fix. So far, so good with me, but it's only a matter of time, I think.

  4. You have some beautiful views at the new place. The whole Blogger comment thing has been such a disaster. You'd think they would do a better job of advertising the fix to these issues.

  5. Yep, a hill is a hill. And a hill on a lake is even better than just a plain hill, so you're way ahead!

  6. You are in such a beautiful place!

  7. Your new view is lovely. (How are your new neighbors?) I've had blog comments "go dark" twice. I have made a copy of the instructions for the fix so if it happens again I'll be ready. My current blog question is the spam comments that are made on one particular post. Why does an algorithm keep finding a post titled "The Sew Must Go On"?

  8. You do live on a beautiful hill. Such a pretty photo.

  9. I too am having trouble with my Blogger comments. Thanks for sharing Diann, I will check that out. Life on the Hill is a great title for your blog,Libby. Glad you are keeping it.


Comments make me smile; I would love to hear from you! I respond almost exclusively by email, so be sure you are not a "no-reply" blogger. Or include your email address if you need an answer to a question.