Thursday, June 15, 2023

An Orange Plate

 Loyal Readers know that my mother preached "a colorful plate."  But sometimes taste trumps color.

Leftover BBQ brisket just called for carrots and sweet potato fries today.  Yum!

I've spent much of this week working on blocks for Cynthia's compassion quilt drive.  I decided to focus on the guys who might receive one of her quilts.  (I think I sense a theme here ...)

I also made a collection of florals and a few miscellaneous blocks ...  total of 59.  But I didn't stop there.  Rather than put my fabrics back on the shelf, I started making some for myself.  Tomorrow I'm calling Addictions Anonymous!


  1. Yum is right - I think orange is a great color! Your blocks for Cynthia are making a beautiful design. I can see why they might be addictive!

  2. My mother had that thing about a colorful plate too. Love that quilt!

  3. I love orange food! Your quilt is really striking! I just love the bold colors in it.

  4. My mom didn't have a thing about color - but she wanted everyone to eat every last bite!

  5. You are on a roll, Libby! Lovely blocks and what a great meal. All what I would enjoy as well.

  6. LOL! I try to balance the colors on the plate, too. (I recall having dinner at the home of parishioners--S was the new pastor--and EVERYTHING on the plate was white: chicken, mashed potatoes, and (I think) cauliflower.)

  7. I like your block drive blocks!

  8. I like the orange food as well as your blocks! Great choice.

  9. Pretty plate and pretty blocks!


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