Tuesday, June 6, 2023

More Gray Than Me

 My "little" boy became a grandfather 2 years ago.  I should not be surprised.  But Saturday when he visited ...

When did the gray happen?  

I have been whipping out a few Color Stix blocks for Cynthia's current compassion quilt block drive when I have a few extra minutes.  I started with orange because I have tons of scraps from my "orange love" days.

These blocks go together really fast.  I made 15 in about 2 hours.  Since that photo I have been working on gold and yellow.  Like so many scrap projects, I seem to be generating more scraps than I am using up!

We have a stupid squirrel that simply won't give up on the bird feeder.


  1. yes sometimes our kids turn gray too :) one daughter dyes hers the other lets it go natural - I have to keep reminding myself they are 50 and 47 yes they are getting older too!

  2. My mom used to say she was going to dye her hair until I was grayer than she was! I'm not sure when that happened, but now she doesn't remember that she even ever dyed her hair. I'm going to make some blocks for Cynthia, too - glad they are fast ones. Those darn squirrels! :)

  3. Yeah, my Mom wonders the same thing. Those orange blocks are really vivid, I like that deep red orange color. Squirrels look so cute, but they are so destructive.

  4. I found a way to keep the squirrels away from my feeders, but now the crows are eating all of the seed and keeping other birds away. I really like these blocks you are making! Thanks for the link. I have a LOT more gray hair than my mother did when she died almost 2 years ago and I don't have a head full yet. She had very little at 82 and had never colored her hair.

  5. My husband would give anything to have a nice head of hair like that, gray or otherwise - lol! I still get mine highlighted blonde, even at 75, because my gray is not that pretty. I wish it could look like your son's - his is magnificent!


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