I was going to take a picture of the daffodils in the snow, but it was gone before I could get out there. I did cut a few more to bring inside before they all get frozen tonight.
Lots of hellibores (Lenton roses) blooming, but they usually survive a freeze. I hope it doesn't affect the rhododendron buds.
I stayed in today, trying to make heads or tails of all I brought back from two weeks on the road. Suitcase unloaded and put away, laundry done, new fabric washed (some ironed), project boxes back on the shelf, bills paid, checkbook balanced ... I even found time to cook dinner.
If you are visiting today, note that I've added a button that will take you to Layers of Hope, a charity collecting quilts for the victims of the Washington state landslide. I encourage you to do what you can to help. I know from my experience taking quilts to Katrina victims and making quilts for the Nashville 2010 flood that direct contact is the best way to go, rather than through an agency.
Here's hoping we've all seen the last of winter. In the meantime,
Keep Calm
Quilt On
The d'affaires in our garden are only shoots. But the crocuses are blooming!