Friday, May 28, 2021

Another Gizmo Quiz

 And Getting My Sew-jo Back

Here's another gizmo in my sewing tools.  Can you guess what it is?

Here's a hint:  Unless you are a professional, you'll probably never need this!

While you're mulling over your answer, let me tell you about my Thursday.  In case you haven't noticed by the dearth of posts coming from the Hill lately, I seem to have lost my sew-jo.  It's actually due to procrastination.

You see, it's already near the end of May and I still have not completed my #1 goal for the year which was to finish at least one set of paraments for the church.  I couldn't in good conscience work on anything else when they are due to hang in the church this coming Sunday.  We're not talking about a major work, just a major engineering headache (which I will not bore you with) I think I have solved.  

But I needed to fill a bobbin with green thread so I played "bobbin chicken" by running a bunch of 4Ps and cutoff HSTs under the needle.  This plate was piled high when I started ...

... and in the end there was only this much bobbin thread left ...

I was able to finish the small piece that goes on the lectern and today I will finish the large one for the pulpit.  I'll take pictures when they are in place.

So what was your gizmo answer?  Did you guess it was this?

I have no recollection of where I got it or why I have it, but you see it is definitely quilt-related.  (I also have a loupe-like thread counter that belonged to my dad who worked in the textile fibers industry.)  Like I said, unless you are entering a quilt in a major show, close enough is good enough -- at least it is for me.


  1. That's an interesting gadget, and I definitely have never heard of it before! My mom used to make lots of our clothes - wonder if she had one. Glad you are finishing up the paraments. That's a special job!

  2. I've never seen (or heard of) this gadget before. I'm with you, though! Close enough is good enough.

  3. Wow! Love that gadget although I'd be afraid Scout would eat it if I dropped it by mistake :D Sounds like you are getting your sewing mojo back!! Have a safe and happy weekend!

  4. I thought it was some kind of magnifying glass, but would never have guessed it was to find the grain. My Sew-jo has been gone for a while, too, and has come back in the last two days. It feels good to be sewing again! (moving will do that to you, as you know!!)

  5. The first photo looked like a balloon full of unflavored gelatin to me, so my guesses would have been way off!
    How big is this big marble?

  6. I thought it might be a track ball from a long arm machine. I was wrong -- but I've never seen a bias-magnifier. My biases are likely to be imperfect. I'll manage.


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