Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Devo Day!

Yay!  I actually sewed today!  I made 42 4Ps from stripsets and a dozen HSTs from squares.  It's another squirrel project that I hope to show progress on later this week.  

I'm sure I've explained before, but if you are new to my blog, Devo and Sew is a mission at a nearby church that provides "encouragement" quilts to anyone identified by a member who needs comfort or encouragement.  We meet twice a month and a couple of times a year we work as a group on the quilt inventory; otherwise we are free to work on our own projects.  

Take a look at the show-and-tell from today's meeting:

Two of those quilts were tops that I had contributed to the inventory that were recently quilted by another.  This first one I think was a Meadow Mist mystery a couple of years ago.

The second one is a strippy I made from reproduction fabrics.  I may be doing a lecture on strippies later this year so I asked if I could temporarily reclaim this quilt if I offer to bind it.  No problem.

It was a GOOD day!  


  1. Yay for a sewing day! That's so great to have the whole gym to spread out in and lay out the quilts for show and tell. That Meadow Mist quilt is a pretty design!

  2. With your new machine will you be able to quilt some of these group efforts?

  3. I adore your quilt made from reproduction fabrics, Libby. How kind you are to donate your pretty quilts.


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