Friday, December 27, 2019

Merry Christmas to Me!

Back in business

LG 5 cu ft HE top load washer
Miss Lady Gaga arrived on Saturday before we headed to Arkansas for Christmas.  
These new machines look so weird inside!

No agitator in the center.  It looks huge.  It seems to wash OK, though.

With clean clothes packed, we headed to Conway, Arkansas
to spend Christmas with the younger grands.

In the free time between meals, church, gifts, and games I worked on Castle Walls

I want to press this first block before adding the corners.

This one was scheduled to have purple diamonds, but I think it needs something lighter.

I stitched these squares on after the photo.  I'm not sure what the diamonds will be.

My plan is to get a few blocks finished to see if I need a distinct plan for value placement.
Like so many blocks, fabric placement can really change the look of this block.
Stay tuned.


  1. Love your Castle Walls!
    Aren't those new washers weird? They make me feel like a relic of the Dark Ages...

  2. I hope your machine will satisfy you - I didn't like mine that had no agitator and it didn't get full with water either - mine did a rotten job on my quilts - I ended up getting rid of mine and got one with an agitator and would fill full with water

  3. I'm so glad about your new washer! Ours is a front loader with no agitator. Sometimes I think about what my poor Mom used - a wringer that I got my arm stuck in (why, I don't know) when I was 8. I don't remember it hurting, just scared us all to death.
    Oh how I love your Castle Walls blocks!

  4. Love the castle walls. Instead of purple maybe a yellow. I love that there is no agitator. And it saves water. It only uses enough water to wash the what is there. We had a finger washer until I was in high school. This was in the 70's. My sister and I had long hair. We sometimes forgot to pull out hair back.then we would get our hair caught in the ringer.

  5. Congrats on your new washer! I really like your Castle Wall blocks. It seems like a good approach, to make a few and then see what you need in terms of color and value. I'll enjoy seeing this one coming along. Are you machine or hand piecing?

  6. Your Castle Walls blocks are going to be beauties. Love the color choices. Enjoy your new washer! (Love the name!!)


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