Monday, October 9, 2017

Squirrel Alert

I've been bitten

I'm sure you've seen or heard about quilters buying shirts from Goodwill and thrift shops to recycle into quilts.

I like the look, but I certainly don't need to "collect" any other type/style of fabric.  More certainly not to spend money for "used" fabric.

But FREE?  That's another story ...

... enhanced by the fact these were gently worn by my grandsons.  All name brand and 100% cotton.

Before I could start feeling guilty about taking the shirts from potential new owners who could use them -- well, let's be honest, not a one sold in the garage sale -- I took a look at Bonnie Hunter's video about deconstructing a shirt.

Strings from collars and bands
I applied scissors to the collars and collar bands and have a nice pile of strings.  Next step: cuffs!

Any suggestions for a pattern?   All but one or two are striped.  I held out the one bright red plaid that didn't play well with the rest of the colors.  I can add a few plaids from my stash, but I don't have many.  I'm thinking I'll make a picnic quilt for each of the boys.

BTW, a wedding quilt is in my future as GS2 got engaged last week!


  1. I haven't tried working with shirts yet, either, Libby, but I've seen some amazing quilts made out of them! It sounds like fun to use them in quilts for the kids who wore them. (That appeals to me more than t-shirt quilts!)

  2. I haven't tried disemboweling shirts yet, either. I'll be watching you chase this squirrel with great interest!

  3. How was your garage sale overall, Libby? I have a modest collection of cut-up shirts. I ought to emulate Cathy (Sane Crazy Crumby Quilting) and make a few blocks and hold them for when the time is right. I will email you a few photos of pattern ideas.

  4. I've got Bonnie's Scraps and Shirttails books. Shall I bring them to Quilt Camp? Congrats! on needing to make a wedding quilt. I just found out that another of my nieces will be getting married next year, so another wedding quilt is in my future, too!

  5. How did the sale go? Hope you made the price of your stickers,etc.LOL I too have a bag of old shirts that need to be deconstructed. THanks for the Bonnie Hunter tip. Wonderful quilting ahead.

  6. What a great way to preserve those memories. Congrats to GS#2.

  7. My cat Molly wants me to warn you about a serious error in Bonnie's video...the long stringy seams are the best cat toy ever...and Bonnie says to throw them away. Imagine!


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