Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Walk on the Wild Side

Wilderness is a Flimsy!

I decided on a leaf print for the border to play up the leaf blocks and added a bright gold stop border.

Why don't I see the stray threads until I post the photo?  I need to order some flannel for the back before it can be quilted.

It was a week for wildlife at our lakeside retreat this week.  This mother duck and three ducklings waddled through our yard several times on the way to the duck spa next door.

The babies are hiding behind the grass.  I also spotted a doe with her fawn outside my sewing room.

The deer have been unusually active during the day.  We have to be ultra-observant when heading out of our hollow.  I passed a doe nursing her twins right next to a busy road.  Her expression said "Really?  You can't wait till we get home?"

I finally located a crook that will fit on our deck railing so I could hang a feeder for the birds.

We have a pair of American Goldfinches that are enjoying it along with a family of House Finches.  The cardinal couple somehow manage to balance on the tiny perches and yesterday I think I saw a female bluebird.  The feeder is right outside our breakfast nook window and provides hours of entertainment.  I don't have to worry about cleaning up the mess; I have several furry vacuum cleaners.


  1. Congrats on a beautiful finished quilt top. I use a lint brush on my projects before I take the "final" photo for posting. It doesn't get all the loose threads, but it does help a lot.

  2. Love Wilderness. All goes together so well. Nice seeing all the wildlife.

  3. That quilt top came together beautifully, Libby! Thanks for the chuckle at the photo of your furry vacuum cleaner. LOL!

  4. The blue strips add a nice pop.

  5. Wilderness is beautiful! I like those blue strips, too. And look at all that wildlife - seeing the twin fawns had to have been really neat!

  6. I kept trying to grab a loose thread on one of my quilt tops before I realized that it was the design of the fabric instead. The leaf fabric looks great with the animal blocks.

  7. I love Wilderness! That little pop of blue is perfect!
    Birdfeeders are endlessly entertaining, aren't they? Though we often end up squabbles over whose turn it is...


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