Thursday, May 30, 2019

Another Tiny Thursday

Well, it's done.

TT Monarch Butterfly
Mine came out 1/4" too short -- I wondered why the body part was too long!  I think the lower wing pieces need to be cut 2.5" x 2.75"  and we need 4 of both background squares.  

So my proportions don't look as nice as Angela's but it's cute and sweet and I can adjust the final size with the sashing.  I usually make two of each TT block, so I may try another one ...


  1. I have that orange-y fabric, too....I love how you used it for the butterfly--perfect choice...when I try to follow a pattern I always end up messing it up...
    you're not alone--and your butterfly looks just lovely...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. That fabric looks familiar to me, too!

  3. That looks good, Libby! Mine also came out 1/4 inch short, so I just made my sashing a bit wider. :) We know how to make things work, don't we?!


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