Friday, April 17, 2020

D is for Done

... and Dots

But no Dashes yet ...

I've had a lot of trouble focusing.  I read that I am not alone.

Instead of using the blocks I had already made for Dots and Dashes, I made more Monkey Wrench/Churn Dash blocks that used more pastel florals.  I started planning what to do with the unused pastel paisleys and polka dots.  I broke out an old project of Grunge HSTs and trimmed/pressed/sorted 300 blocks.  All the while stepping over Crazy Cats on the floor.

Yesterday I said to myself, "Pick ONE goal and stay focused!"  So I picked the easiest one.  Finish Crazy Cats.  At 36" finished, this seemed doable.  The panels had been framed, the setting blocks made, the borders cut.  So I set to it and by lunch time I had a flimsy!

Crazy Cats
 "Done and dusted," as they say.  Complete with back and binding.

Finish #10 of 20 in 20!

Linking with Alycia/Quiltygirl for Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Libby, I can't get over that coincidence with the cake recipe. How funny life is sometimes! It does look like a good recipe.
    Meanwhile, Crazy Cats is another wonderful finish for you. You are doing fabulous with 2020 when it comes to stitching finishes.
    Take care now.

  2. SEW glad you gave yourself a good talking to and finished this cheerful little quilt top. Nice work, Libby!!

  3. No, you are not alone! My daily sewing time is usually based on, "What do I want to play with today?" That results in a lot of goofy stuff being put through the sewing machine! But your cats are looking great! I really like that layout!

  4. Lack of focus has been a problem for me, too, and I have bounced from thing to thing. I need to do what you did to finish your cute crazy captains quilt. Pick one thing! Great finish!

  5. Congrats on moving something to a finished state. Love the story about the cake recipe! Funny how life intersects sometimes. I had problems with lack of focus for a couple of weeks and then finally decided not much I could do about any of it, so I might as well sew. But it is hard some days not to focus on it. Happy stitching this weekend.

  6. Love your crazy cats! What a perfect setting for those happy blocks!
    And yeah, that focus thing... it's been a struggle.


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